How Hybrid Cloud and Colocation Accelerate Healthcare Innovation – February 27, 2020

In this article, Kurt Stoever, Chief Product & Marketing Officer, discusses how the hybrid cloud is proving to be a valuable solution for meeting a range of healthcare demands. While traditional on-premises strategies require significant capital investment to keep up with rapid data growth, hybrid cloud solutions deliver enhanced scalability and data mobility.

Excerpt from the article:
In an information-laden world, healthcare still stands as one of the globe’s most data-intensive industries. In fact, UNC Charlotte’s Health Informatics and Analytics Data Science Initiative reports that up to 30 percent of the world’s stored data is healthcare-generated. Furthermore, it’s expected that healthcare will be the fastest-growing industry in terms of data creation. Healthcare is primed to surpass the media and entertainment sector’s data generation and match that of the financial services industry by 2025.

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