Simplifying the Colocation Decision Journey

DC BLOX Colocation Series 1 Ebook

DC BLOX simplifies the colocation decision journey in this eBook by presenting three key decision points to evaluate when considering colocation as part of your company’s IT strategy.

Simplify the Colocation Decision: Three Key Questions

  • Should you invest in expanding your own mission-critical data center or should you colocate?
  • What should you look for in a colocation data center?
  • How do you choose the right data center at the Edge?

An Informed Colocation Decision Can Power Your Company’s IT Strategy

The data center industry is changing. The exponential growth of data continues to challenge IT departments to effectively deliver information to their customers, efficiently scale their infrastructure, and protect their business’s data. At DC BLOX, that means a lot more than a facility that provides space and power. This means building data centers nearer to consumers in Tier 2 cities, providing cloud services to support hybrid IT options, and connecting everything with high-performance networks to support business continuity. Whether you are currently searching for a colocation provider, or even if you haven’t thought about it for a while, we hope this eBook will give you a fresh view of how colocation can play a part in your company’s IT strategy.

— Kurt Stoever, Chief Product and Marketing Officer, DC BLOX

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